If you’re looking to lose fat then you have to try this brand new custom keto meal plan! To create this service, certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs united to develop keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-efficient, and enjoyable.
Since their launch in January 2019, hundreds of clients have already transformed their figure and health with the benefits a proper keto diet can offer.
the keto diet can help you obtain (and maintain!) a healthy weight
The keto diet is excellent for losing fat and keeping it off. For example, a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials concluded that.
In other words, if you want to lean down but are sick and tired of failing your weight loss attempts, the keto diet may be the key to a slim figure. READ MORE
To show how effective the meal plans are, here’s what real clients have to say!
As of today, I’ve lost 35 pounds, I have no hunger pangs and mentally I feel sharp as a pin. This is definitely going to become a 'way of life' for me as it’s so easy to follow…
I’m 4 weeks into my custom keto diet plan and I’ve lost 14 pounds which I must say is pretty incredible, it’s actually amazing watching my body transform into something I am actually proud of rather than something I have always tried to cover up.”
Obviously, they deserve a hearty round of applause for their dedicated effort and results. But that’s not why I’m writing to you today. I’m writing because YOU can follow in their footsteps, too.
You can start right now on your journey to a lean and healthy body, and I want to prove it to you.
claim your 100%-made-for-you keto meal plan designed to help you lose fat, boost energy levels, and improve health.
In other words, my team and I have done all the "heavy lifting" for you —from determining your calorie and macro intake to setting up your meal plan, to outlining meal prep instructions, and more.
Here’s exactly what you’ll get with your custom keto meal plan! Do you want to lose weight but can’t seem to create a long-lasting change?
Have you read books and articles and watching videos on how to follow a keto diet, but aren’t sure how to put all the pieces together?
That’s why I’ve created a custom meal plan service.
As you’d expect, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill “here are some recipes brought together from random blogs” meal plan many nutrition ‘gurus’ sell for way too much money
ü Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions to make meal preparation super simple (no prior cooking experience needed).
ü A downloadable shopping list each week that details every needed ingredient you’ll need in the upcoming seven days.
In other words, we’ve done everything we can to design an effective, convenient, and enjoyable meal plan to help you reach your health and figure goals. READ MORE
Do you make these four common weight loss mistakes!
If you feel stuck in a rut or displeased with your results, there’s a good chance you make one or more of the following weight-loss mistakes.
Mistake #1: Not being in a calorie deficit
No matter how “clean” you eat and how much you exercise, you’ll never lose weight if you’re not in a calorie deficit.
It works like this:
If you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight
- If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight
The result?
He lost 27 pounds in two months by eating junk food… just because he was in a calorie deficit.
Now, we don’t advise you to follow such a diet because that’s terrible for your health, but it proves my point.
>>Best Weight Loss Supplements for Women
Mistake #2: Adapting a too severe calorie deficit
If an energy deficit of 300 calories a day will get you lean, a 900 calorie deficit should slim you down three times as fast, right?
A severe calorie deficit will not lead to superior fat loss but actually hurts your progress for four reasons:
It slows down your metabolism, which means you’ll burn fewer calories a day. This sets you up for regaining all the lost pounds once you go off the diet
Mistake #3: Thinking all calories are created equal
As mentioned, being in a calorie deficit is key to losing weight. But this doesn’t mean all calories are created equal!
You see, most of us strive to improve our appearance. And to do this, it’s not about weight loss but instead about fat loss.
Mistake #4: Following an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet
Willpower is like a battery – you only have so much of it until it runs out. And that’s why restrictive diets tend to fail in the long-run.
Eventually, they deplete your willpower, which results in binging and makes you lose all your progress.
The solution?
I’ve created a custom meal plan service for common fat loss blunders like the four outlined above.
I’ve brought certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs together to create perfect keto meal plans – ones that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, enjoyable, and tailored to you.
These custom meal plans are developed based on the latest scientific research behind nutrition, so you can enhance your health and figure in the fastest and most doable manner.
Is the custom meal plan right for you!
It’s for people who are driven to fix what’s unhealthy, heal what’s broken, and improve what’s lacking, and who believe that no matter the circumstances, something can always be done about it.
And it’s for people who want the best for their bodies and lives, and who are driven to eat healthier, feel more energetic, and fulfill their true potential.
It’s not for people who are happy with their current situation and don’t feel the need to enhance their health, figure, and energy level.